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Navigating Political Talk at Work - Harvard Business Review



We know that work is one of the leading causes of stress for American adults. But in the aftermath of a heated presidential campaign, we were curious about whether political talk was adding an extra layer, threatening job performance, productivity, and employee well-being.

The American Psychological Association (APA) regularly releases surveys that take the pulse of the U.S. workforce and explore various topics related to people’s experiences on the job. In the midst of the campaign season, the APA’s Center for Organizational Excellence surveyed a representative sample of the U.S. workforce and found that one in four employees was negatively affected by political talk at work. Working Americans said that, as a result of political discussions, they felt tense or stressed out (17%), were more cynical and negative at work (15%), had more difficulty getting work done (10%), were less productive (13%) and were producing lower-quality work (10%).

Work relationships suffered as well. Although some workers bonded with their colleagues over shared political views, others said team cohesiveness suffered and they had a more negative view of coworkers, felt more isolated from them, and perceived more workplace hostility. To manage these tensions, just over half of American workers said they simply steered clear of political conversations at work, but one in five reported avoiding certain coworkers because of their political views.

The political climate didn’t affect everyone equally. Men were more likely than women, and younger workers were more likely than older generations, to have experienced negative consequences of political discussions at work during the 2016 election season. Younger workers in particular reported lower levels of productivity and higher levels of stress.



More than twice as many men as women said political talk was making them less productive. When it came to actual conflicts on the job, men were more than four times as likely as women to report having argued about politics with a coworker (18% and 4%, respectively).



Despite the differences in the way political discussions affected different demographic groups, the survey found no major differences based on political party or ideology in the lead-up to the election.

None of these feelings seem to have dissipated since the election. Rather, the pre-election tensions fueling anger, polarization, and conflict are still in full force. In another APA survey, conducted in early January 2017, more than half of Americans cited the current political climate as a significant source of stress, and two-thirds said they were stressed about the future of the country, including both Democrats and Republicans. This spring the APA will release the results of a follow-up survey that looks at how political talk has been affecting working Americans since the election.

The organizational challenges of this environment should not be underestimated. Even when a majority of employees treat each other with respect and manage their stress effectively, just one person on a team who is more stressed, getting into arguments, or avoiding coworkers because of political differences can create a ripple effect that hurts the entire work group.

What Can Employers Do?

Having a clear policy that describes any limitations on political activities in the workplace and making sure employees are aware of the expectations is a good start, but political conversations are inevitably going to occur. The most effective approach is to promote a workplace culture that embraces respect and trust so that difficult conversations and disagreements (political or otherwise) can take place in a civil environment. A psychologically healthy workplace is good for employees and the organization even in the best of times, but it’s particularly critical during challenging and polarizing times.

Managers should recognize that the current political environment could be having an effect on people, especially if they’re talking about it in the office. Be aware of employees’ stress levels, share information about benefits and resources that are available to help support them, and encourage appropriate use of your company’s employee assistance program, mental health benefits, flexible work arrangements, and workplace wellness activities that can help people stay healthy and functioning at their best.

Senior leaders and supervisors can communicate a powerful message by modeling the behavior and actions they’re trying to promote in the organization. By demonstrating civility and respect, actively using available support resources, participating in organizational activities, and managing their own stress levels in healthy ways, business leaders can back their words with actions that show they are serious about creating a healthy work environment.

Focusing on common goals and shared values is another way to bring people together despite their differences. As a manager, set clear goals for your team and focus people on working together toward common objectives. When political turmoil is creating tension and distraction, focusing on the work and accomplishing something together may be a welcome reprieve.

Finally, step in if things get too heated. If the current political climate is negatively affecting an employee’s job performance, address the issue before it creates a bigger problem. Provide the necessary feedback, work with the employee to create a plan, and point them to available resources that might help. When tensions turn into conflicts between coworkers, counsel employees on any relevant policies related to harassment or incivility, help them find ways to work together, and involve human resources as needed.

What Can Employees Do?

First, keep it civil. People often feel strongly about their political beliefs, and it’s unlikely that your arguments, as logical as they may be, will change someone’s position on an issue. Be respectful of opinions that differ from your own and be open to hearing and understanding others’ perspectives, even if you don’t agree with them.

It may be wise to stay away from contentious issues, many of which are deeply personal. In some cases it may be best to avoid workplace conversations about topics that you know are likely to elicit a fiery response from you. And you may be unaware of the issues that are sensitive for your coworkers. When disagreements arise, walk away before you say something you’ll regret or damage a professional relationship.

Constant exposure to the barrage of political news updates and social media posts can heighten your stress and feel overwhelming. Stay informed, but know your limits. Set rules for yourself, such as turning off your phone during certain times, closing or minimize other windows on your computer’s desktop, or enlisting support from friends and family members to help keep you on track. Cognitively, you need time to replenish and return to your normal level of functioning. By eliminating distractions and focusing on the task at hand or the people you’re with, you can improve your attention and concentration and reduce your stress level.

Lastly, monitor your stress level and find healthy ways to manage it. Be aware of the types of things that typically stress you out. It may sound basic, but taking care of yourself, by eating right, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular physical activity, can go a long way. Accepting help from friends and family can improve your ability to manage stress as well. You can also tap into stress management resources available through your company’s employee assistance program, including online information, counseling, and referrals to mental health professionals, if needed. If you continue to feel overwhelmed by stress, you may want to talk to a mental health professional who can help you better manage stress and change unhealthy behavior.

To be sure, uncertainty currently rules the day. But a psychologically healthy work environment where people feel supported can make an outsize difference in our daily lives, regardless of political differences and the challenges that lie ahead.

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