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Liberal senator says health care a 'right' not a 'privilege' — gets bold reality check from constituents - TheBlaze.com

California Sen. Kamala Harris (D) took to her Twitter account Saturday to share her view that health care is not a “privilege” but rather a “right.”

“Here’s what I believe: health care is a right, not a privilege. RT if you agree,” she tweeted.

The tweet comes as the nation continues to debate which direction the health care system in America should go. Republicans recently introduced a bill to replace Obamacare. They have pledged to replace Obamacare with a market-based solution.

Democrats, on the other hand, continue to push for a health care system similar to the socialist systems found in Europe. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) regularly pushed for a single-payer, Medicare-like system.

Still, though, health care is not a legal right in America, like it is in many other first world countries. That’s mostly because simply declaring it a right doesn’t solve the problem of who would pay for everyone to have the care — since health care, after all, costs money.

Harris’ constituents were quick to inform her of that fact on Twitter:

TheBlaze’s Matt Walsh had just one question for Harris: If health care is a “right,” doesn’t it apply to unborn babies, too?

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