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Claim: Trump 'Threatens Mental Health of Young Californians' - Breitbart News


President-elect Donald Trump is causing mental health problems for young people in California. That’s according to claims by “advocates, educators and mental health providers” who say Californian youth are troubled by Trump’s policies towards illegal immigration, and that they feel targeted by “hate crimes” attributed — rightly or wrongly — to Trump’s supporters.

Jocelyn Wiener of Kaiser Health News, via the East Bay Times, reports: “Around the country, children and adolescents who are undocumented immigrants or who have undocumented family members, are experiencing a surge in stress, depression and anxiety, according to advocates, educators and mental health providers. The same is true for young people belonging to other groups targeted by threats or hate crimes, including Muslim and transgender youth.”


No actual proof is offered, however, either by the “advocates” or Wiener herself.

“Reports of these mental health concerns remain mostly anecdotal so far,” she admits. But she quotes a professor at Stanford University — an avowedly anti-Trump academic named Keith Humphreys, whose political sentiments she declines to mention — who tells readers that “Muslims, Jews, Latinos, African-Americans and women and victims of sexual assault” are now, thanks to Trump’s victory and the “hateful rhetoric” attributed thereto, “uncertain whom they can trust.”

Wiener also prints the “fake news” claim that “During his campaign, Donald Trump announced plans to create a Muslim registry.” As Breitbart News noted at the time, and again today, Trump never made that suggestion, which was entirely created by the mainstream media out of its own totalitarian fantasies in an effort to help Trump’s political rivals.


If such nightmares torment the youth of California, the fault lies with Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media, which spread doomsday scenarios about what might happen if Trump won, and only amplified the hysteria after Election Day.

Responsible “advocates, educators and mental health providers” ought to explain to young people — immigrants in particular — the importance of elections, the virtue of political tolerance, and the legitimacy of democratic opposition.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. His new book, See No Evil: 19 Hard Truths the Left Can’t Handle, is available from Regnery through Amazon. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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