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Health issues on the ballot - Condoms, cannabis, drug prices, assisted suicide, soda, beer, killer mosquitoes and more: The 10 medical measures at stake today - and what it ...


The key to the White House isn't the only thing at stake on election day this year.

A cluster of health issues are on the ballot across the nation, with potentially groundbreaking ramifications for disease-control, general well-being, and drug use.

In an historic move, nine states will vote on cannabis in one way or another - five on recreational marijuana and four on medical marijuana.  

Twenty-five states already have legalized cannabis in some form, whether medical or recreational, or both.

A 'yes' vote in all nine would make the entire West Coast cannabis-friendly, and a fifth of Americans eligible for recreational marijuana. 

It could also push the government to reclassify cannabis, which is currently listed as a dangerous drug with no medical benefits. 


Health issues on the ballot: Cannabis is one of 10 major issues being put to voters in states across the United States that could transform health in America after election day

Assisted suicide, which passed in DC last week, is on the ballot in Colorado, offering doctors the chance to prescribe life-ending medicines to terminally ill patients with six months to live. 

Votes on a soda tax and a cigarette tax could severely dent two of America's biggest industries, but the World Health Organization insists these are two of the most important and positive moves American voters could back to drive down cancer and obesity rates.

Three California districts and one Colorado district will decide whether to hike the price of sugary drinks.

It comes just a week after research showed the nation's first soda tax drove down consumption by 26 percent.  

Four states (California, North Dakota, Missouri and Colorado) will vote on whether to hike the tax on cigarette packs and e-cigarettes.

Despite Big Tobacco's $71 million campaign against the measure, voters seem poised to let the bill pass. 

Florida, the nation's only state with a Zika outbreak zone, is voting on whether or not to release genetically-modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys. 

The FDA approved the proposal by biotech firm Oxitec in August, concluding that the mutated mosquitoes (designed to breed with and kill Zika-carrying mosquitoes) would not pose a health risk.

But Gov Rick Scott insisted it needs to go through a public vote. 

From disease to sex, the porn industry capital (California) will vote on whether to make it compulsory for actors to wear condoms. 

Actors, backed by HIV prevention groups, are lobbying for the bill, which has seen some resistance from the industry. 

California is also proposing a potentially groundbreaking bill to cap the price of prescription drugs, so that state agencies pay no more than veteran groups, which have a 24 percent discount.

It could be a major step in combating the escalating prices of drugs, which many believe was the root cause of America's current opioid addiction epidemic. 

In Montana, lawmakers have proposed to give $20 million to neuroscience research every year. But critics claim that is hardly enough to make a difference to brain disease research development, despite dealing a dent to the state's coffers.

Lastly, Alabama is asking voters to decide whether stores should be able to record personal information about anyone who buys beer. 

Proponents say the bill could help fight alcoholism. But it is not expected to pass.



The 'Death With Dignity Act' is based on the law Oregon passed in 1997 - the first in the country. 

It would permit doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs to mentally independent patients who have less than six months to live. 

Patients must be mentally and physically sound enough to feed themselves the lethal medicine prescribed by a doctor. 

Washington, DC's city council voted 11-2 in favor of the bill on Tuesday afternoon.

A Gallup poll in May 2015 found 68 percent of Americans support assisted suicide for people with six months to live.

And a Lake Research poll in July 2015 found Washington DC residents to be a good reflection of national opinion: 67 percent of DC residents are in favor of the Death With Dignity bill, according to the poll. 

However, religious protesters are staging fierce opposition to the bill. 


California (San Francisco, Oakland, and Albany), Colorado (Boulder)

More than 800,000 voters will decide on ballot measures to introduce taxes of 1 or 2 cents per ounce on soft drinks.

Boulder, Colorado, is proposing to add 2 cents of tax per ounce on sugary drinks.

San Francisco has proposed a penny-per-ounce tax.

The tax would come into force on November 9, weeks after the WHO urged all nations to implement soda taxes. 

It is part of a growing bid to cut obesity by targeting the price of calorie-high fast food. 

The first ever soda tax in America was a penny-per-ounce tax brought in in Berkeley, California in 2014.

 Research published last week shows America's first ever soda tax (in Berkeley) cut soda sales by 26%

And research published in the American Journal of Public Health last week shows the tax has cut consumption of sugary drinks beyond expectations. 

After the tax took effect in March 2015, residents of two low-income areas reported drinking 21 percent less of all sugar-sweetened beverages and 26 percent less soda than they had the year before. 

Mexico has also reported an astonishing plummet in soda consumption since implementing a soda tax in 2014 - something health officials hope will combat the country's burgeoning diabetes and obesity rates.


California, North Dakota, Colorado, Missouri 

Health officials believe this could have one of the most dramatic impacts on the state of American health this election. 

California is the nation's biggest tobacco market. It also has the lowest taxes on cigarettes in the country - at just 87 cents. 

Now, the state is proposing to raise that tax to $2.87 a pack. 

North Dakota is proposing to raise the per-pack tax from 44 cents to $2.20. 

The state would also increases taxes on electronic cigarettes from 28 percent to 56 percent.

Missouri is proposing to bump the tax up by 15 cents. 

Colorado would add $1.75 in tax to cigarette packets.

The money would all go towards health programs.  

Big Tobacco has spent $71 million fighting Proposition 56 - the bid to hike taxes on cigarettes.

But polls suggest that has done nothing to sway voters, who are in favor of hiking the tax.


RECREATIONAL: Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada  

If California gives a nod to recreational marijuana, it would make the entire West Coast a cannabis-friendly zone.  

Maine and Massachusetts would be the first Northeastern states to legalize recreational marijuana. 

Today, everywhere from Maryland up to Maine has legalized medical marijuana.  

Polls suggest clear victories for recreational marijuana in all five states that have it on the ballot. 

Due to California's size, victories in all five states would mean a fifth of Americans would have access to recreational marijuana.  

MEDICAL: Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota

These are states where cannabis is classified in the same group as heroin. 

A 'yes' vote in all four could push the government to reclassify cannabis.

The measure would allow doctors to prescribe marijuana to patients with cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, AIDS, post-traumatic stress disorder, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

In Florida, this will be the second time voters are asked to decide on the measure.

Last time, it won 57.6 percent approval - but in Florida a bill needs 60 percent to pass. 

Nonetheless, the medical marijuana industry has made some in-roads in the state.

A 'yes' vote for medical marijuana in all four states could push the government to reclassify cannabis

This year, the state's first medical marijuana dispensary was given the green light in Tallahassee. And doctors are allowed to prescribe very low doses of CBD oil, using just a small part of the marijuana plant that is not psychoactive.

Arkansas could see some hiccups, since the ballot will show two options - Issue 6 and Issue 7. 

Issue 7, which proposes more expansive marijuana use, was struck off the ballot in October, but will still appear. 

Activists are urging people to check both boxes just in case, to avoid confusion. 

North Dakota is unique in many ways: it is the only Midwestern state voting on medical marijuana. It is also the only state that does not have a campaign against the measure. 

However, it is a historically conservative state and pro-legalization activists believe it could be a close race.


Florida (Key Haven and Monroe County)

This is a measure that scientists hope could combat Zika in America's only outbreak zone. 

Despite decreased public interest, the virus shows no sign of slowing down.

So biotech firm Oxitec developed a batch of genetically-modified mosquitoes to infiltrate and kill off the Zika-carrying mosquito population in the Florida Keys. 

The mosquitoes are a batch of non-biting male Aedes aegyptis, mutated versions of the species which most commonly carry Zika.

They have been genetically-modified to carry a gene that kills its offspring outside of a lab.


Scientists hope these mutant mosquitoes will breed with wild females to infiltrate the population, killing it off. 

The FDA approved a field trial releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in the Florida Keys in the first week of August. 

The agency considered thousands of public comments before concluding that it would not significantly affect the environment. 

But a wave of backlash caused Gov Rick Scott to call for a public vote on it. 



The porn industry's capital is vying to bring in some safety regulations.

The bill would require actors to use condoms in sex scenes.

It is a bid to prevent the spread of diseases like HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and HPV - not least because increasing drug resistance means they may one day be untreatable. 

If it passes, any actor or producer could be subject to criminal charges simply for not using one.

Actors have been lobbying for the measure for years, with the backing of HIV prevention organizations. 



ColoradoCare would be the first system in the history of America to offer single-payer health care.

The program, slated to cost $30 billion a year, would cover every citizen's health costs.

The state would use federal funding for Medicare to bolster their own budget, thereby funding ColoradoCare.

But there is one enormous obstacle to winning over voters: there would be a 10 percent hike in income tax.



The state wishes to give $20 million a year to brain disease research. 

There has been strong resistance to the move, with critics arguing $20 million is pennies when it comes to neuroscience.

And the last few years have seen slow progress in neuroscience research.  



This could set a precedent for drug pricing measures and regulations nationwide.

Proposition 61 would mean state agencies pay the same as veteran associations for drugs.

Currently, the US Department of Veterans Affairs has a 24 percent discounts on prescription drugs from pharmaceutical companies. 

Bernie Sanders, one of the proposition's key backers, says this is a key move to block pharmaceutical companies from price-gouging.

10. BEER


The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board wants to require brewers to report the name, address, age and phone number from anyone who purchases beer at one of the state's craft breweries for off-premises consumption.

The measure is not expected to pass.  


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